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1) Where was Elijah the Tishbite from?

2) What did Elijah do to the Worshippers of Baal?

3) What was Elijah taken up to heaven by?

4) What was Elijah?

5) Who else appeared unto Jesus, Peter, James and John with Elijah?

6) Who wanted to make three tabernacles when witnessing the above appearance?

7) How long were the heavens shut up for in the days of Elijah?

8) In Romans 11:2-3 Elijah is quoted saying, 'Lord, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars, and I alone am left, and they seek my life.' (NKJV) Where is this cited in the Old Testament?

9) According to James, what was Elijah's nature like?

10) The Levites asked this man if he was Elijah:

11) What did Elijah pray earnestly for and received an answer to his prayer?

12) Who did people say that Jesus was, other than Elijah?

13) What were the words Jesus spoke that caused the people to think he was calling for Elijah?

14) With what did God reveal himself to Elijah?

15) How much of Elijah's spirit did Elisha receive?

16) Elijah performed a miracle for a widow from this place:

17) When Elijah met with Elisha what was Elisha doing?

18) What brook did Elijah drink from?

19) What king was reigning in Jerusalem when Elijah sent him a letter?

20) When Elijah fled into the wilderness, God asked him the following question:

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