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2) The king was enraged at the queen during the party because... A - They ran out of wine B - She disobeyed him C - He was insane D - She wouldn't dance
3) This advisor to the king suggests exiling the queen: A - Memucan B - Bigthana C - Harbona D - Carkas
4) What tribe was Esther from? A - Judah B - Asher C - Benjamin D - Levi
5) What was Esther's Hebrew name? A - Jezebel B - Hadassah C - Biztha D - Michal
6) Esther did not reveal the fact that she was Jewish because: A - of religious persecution B - She was ashamed of the fact C - She was an orphan and didn't know D - Mordecai told her not to
7) Haman disliked Mordecai because: A - He would not bow before him B - He was a Jew C - He ate garlic D - Haman was jealous of him
8) Haman wrote an edict commanding that all Jews should be killed on what day? A - The sabbath B - The twelfth day of the first month C - The thirteenth day of the twelfth month D - The sixth day of the fourth month
9) What was the name of the eunuch which attended Esther? A - Bildad B - Hathach C - Hagar D - Ebed
10) Esther invites the king to a banquet, and also invites one other guest... who? A - Haman B - Mordecai C - Hathach D - Memucan
11) What were the names of the guards who conspired to kill the king? A - Ehud and Eglon B - Memucan and Hammedatha C - Agag and Hathach D - Bigthana and Teresh
12) Who discovered their plot? A - Esther B - Mordecai C - Haman D - Hathach
13) What was the name of Haman's wife? A - Hammedatha B - Rachel C - Zeresh D - Lucinda
14) ) The king asked Haman what he should do for 'the man the king delights to honour', who did Haman think the king was talking about? A - Hatac B - Haman C - Memucan D - Mordecai
15) Who was the king REALLY talking about? A - Hatac B - Haman C - Memucan D - Mordecai
16) When the king finds out that Esther is a Jew, what does he have done to Haman? A - Gives him a promotion B - Decapitates him C - Has him burned alive D - Has him hanged
17) The Jews still had a problem, even though Haman was dead, what was it? A - Haman had 10 sons B - Mordecai was also dead C - The kings edict could not be revoked D - Zeresh aspired to be queen
18) Who was promoted to Haman's position? A - Mordecai B - Esther C - Hathach D - Memucan
19) What would the king do to accept someone who entered his presence unsummoned? A - Greet them B - Extend his sceptre C - Stand up D - Nod his head
20) What is the name of the Jewish feast which commemorates the account in Esther? A - The Passover B - Hanukkah C - Purim D - Rosh Hashanah
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