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2) Noah was in the ark for about how long? A - 40 days B - about a year C - about 20 years D - 7 days
3) Jesus was in the tomb for: A - 3 days B - 4 days C - 100 days D - 200 days
4) Animals went into the ark: A - 2 by 2 B - 10 by 10 C - 3 by 3 D - 4 by 4
5) The number of the plagues of Egypt: A - 2 B - 1 C - 20 D - 10
6) The number of apostles that followed Jesus: A - 1 B - 2 C - 12 D - 144,000
7) The number of days and nights it rained during the flood: A - 7 B - 40 C - 6 D - 144,000
8) The number of gospel accounts: A - 12 B - 5 C - 3 D - 4
9) The number of tribes of the children of Israel: A - 12 B - 5 C - 3 D - 4
10) The number of books in the Bible: A - 66 B - 72 C - 29 D - 34
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