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2) What was Joseph's sister's name? A - Deborah B - Dinah C - Dorcas D - Diana
3) Who was Joseph's real brother? A - Benjamin B - Dan C - Naphtali D - Asher
4) In Joseph's first dream his brothers ________ bowed down to his ________? A - Carrots B - Stars C - Children D - Sheaves
5) In his second dream the __________ bowed down to him. A - Planets B - Sun, moon and stars C - Sheaves D - Children
6) What did Joseph's father give him and not his brothers? A - Colored Coat B - Sheep C - Goat D - Car
7) What did Joseph's brothers want to do to him when they saw him in the distance? A - Curse him B - Kiss him C - Hug him D - Kill him
8) Who convinced the brothers to sell Joseph? A - Gad B - Judah C - Dan D - Naphtali
9) Who was Joseph's mother? A - Leah B - Bilhah C - Rachel D - Zilpah
10) What animal's blood did the brothers dip Joseph's colored coat in? A - Goat B - Sheep C - Horse D - Cow
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