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2) Who said he could call 12 legions of angels? A - Daniel B - John the Baptist C - Jesus D - Peter
3) What city did the angels visit Lot in? A - Jerusalem B - Bethlehem C - Jericho D - Sodom
4) What did the three angels look like to Abraham? A - Men B - Dragons C - Birds D - Tigers
5) What did the angel Gabriel tell Zechariah would happen to him? A - He wouldn't hear B - He wouldn't speak C - He wouldn't walk D - He wouldn't see
6) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego where joined by an angel in what? A - Fiery Furnace B - House C - Prison D - Temple
7) Who did the angel of God wrestle with? A - Bob B - Jacob C - Samuel D - Esau
8) What is the name given to the Archangel? A - Jude B - Ralf C - Michael D - Peter
9) What was taken out of the angel's hand? A - A scroll B - Mountain C - Fire D - Food
10) The angel of the Lord encamps around: A - San Antonio B - Jerusalem C - Rome D - Those who fear him
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