2) According to Psalm 6:5, in what place is there no memory of God?
3) According to Psalm 10:4, who do not seek God?
4) According to Proverbs 10:19, who is prudent?
5) According to Ecclesiastes 9:3, what are the hearts of men full of?
6) According to Ecclesiastes 12:13, what is the whole duty of man?
7) According to John 14:28, who is greater than Jesus Christ?
8) According to Acts 2:38, why are we baptized?
9) According to Romans 7:21, where is evil found?
10) According to Exodus 20:4, what is the second commandment?
11) According to 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, did Christ really die?
12) According to 2 Peter 1:4, what is the cause of the corruption in the world?
13) According to Job 42:11, who brought evil upon Job?
14) According to 1 Samuel 15:22, what is better than sacrifice?
15) According to 1 Samuel 16:15, where did the evil spirit that tormented Saul come from?
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